Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544


At our school we believe that children should be encouraged to be creative and that they should be taught the skills

that will allow them to be independent creators. Please look below to view some of our recent work. 

Please look below for a range of materials and resources that shape pupils learning through art in our school. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact our art  lead, Mrs Rachael Hodgson, through the school office.  


At Linthwaite Ardron we intend our Art and Design curriculum to provide the children with opportunities to develop and extend skills and to express their individual interests, thought and ideas.


Children at Linthwaite Ardron are taught Art as part of their termly topic work.  Details are show in long term plans. Children are taught how to use art resources correctly at an age appropriate level to support encouragement of interest beyond school. Our children learn about great artists (both historical and modern) and they learn to evaluate their own and the work of others.  Work is planned to build on skills sequentially through school. 


Our children will be confident to use their skills and knowledge of art to express themselves in a way that supports their next steps in education or life. 


Please click on the links below for further information and documentation.  

Art Curriculum Map

Art Skills Progression 

Music Curriculum Map

Music Skills Progression

National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 art 

National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 music

EYFS Framework 2021 - DFE guidance about what should be taught in EYFS 




Year 3 'Plant Art' inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe - October 2023

The children have used watercolours and practised making tints and tones to paint flowers in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe.

Music Festival 2023

Y5 pupils and the school choir joined forces to perform as part of a large youth choir in Huddersfield Town Hall. what an amazing experience!

Y5 painting inspired by Ellie Benton

Linking in with RE and Spirited Arts theme 'All God's Creatures', children painted abstract animals.

Nature Craft Club 2023

Children from across school created clay tree faces in after our school club.

Y4 'The Highwayman' Chalk Art

Year 4 have created their own pieces of chalk art this half term. They were inspired by the narrative poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes which they have read as part of their work in English.

Y1 Clay/Log Hedgehogs

Scientific investigations into seasons led to sculpting clay hedgehogs using natural materials. The children used tools and their hands to mold the clay into the correct shape which supported our development of our Fine Motor Skills. 

Skylar's Missing Note

EY to Y4 pupils were treated to a musical theatre production. The theatre company were brilliant and everyone enjoyed the performance immensely.

Y6 using clay sculpture to demonstrate the process of evolution

Y5 Viking Portraits - mixed media

We have looked at the artwork 'Robin' and used newsprint, photographs, charcoal, art pencils and tissue paper to create some striking and dramatic Viking characters. They are all very different and we are currently writing exciting descriptions about them in our English lessons too.

Year 4 Class Assembly

'Remember my name I'm an ANGLO-SAXON!'

The children in Year 4 did a fantastic class assembly packed full of songs, drama and dancing! The assembly started off with the 'Anglo-Saxon song' and finished with a collection of lovely pictures, showcasing what Year 4 have been up to this year. The children also wrote and performed a class rap including lines about each individual in our lovely Year 4 class! Well done, Year 4!

Singing Opera - Spring 2024

Years 4 and 5 were invited to perform Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' opera together with The Royal Opera House at Huddersfield Town Hall. They learnt this challenging piece and afterwards Morgan was interviewed for the tv news!

Year 5 'Starry Starry Night' 

 During our topic 'Earth and Space' we listened to a wide selection of songs and music based on the sky, stars and heavens above, including Holst, David Bowie and (our favourite) 'Starry Starry Night' by Don McLean. This lead us to looking at Van Gogh's night-time paintings and his 'Starry Night' in particular. We created a large scale collaborative piece using sand, glue, tissue paper and acrylic paint as well as our own individual versions replicating Van Gogh's style and brush strokes. 

Kirklees Music Event - Summer Term 2023

Y1 Summer 2023 - Jurassic Dancing

Pupils dance using different dinosaur styles to a famous piece of music.

Can you spot some rapid raptor moves?

Y5 Tudor Textiles

As part of their 'Monarchs Since 1066' topic, Year 5 created a self-portrait in the style of Hans Holbein, using textiles and attaching jewels and hair adornments. We think they look most regal!

Y5 Earth and Space Mixed Media

As part of our science topic, Year 5 have created a mixed media piece of artwork representing their ideas about 'space'. Sponging a painted background first, separate planets were drawn and shaded with pastels. Pencils were used to draw and add an astronaut and glitter was added as a final flourish to make our skies 'sparkle!'


Y6 David Hockney Photo Montages

Year 6 looked at portraits by the Yorkshire artist David Hockney. They  then took photographs of each other and turned them into photographic portraits in Hockney's style.

Y5 'Baghdad'

Year Five have turned their classroom into a magical colourful scene from one of the 'Arabian Nights'. Have a look ...

Y6 Watercolour painting of daffodils -

 To celebrate the start of spring we have been creating some delicate daffodil painting using watercolours.

Year 5 Winter Artwork

To link with our English work on poetry, we created some bold paintings on the theme of 'Winter'. First, we divided our paper into squares and painted each square in 'sky-coloured' shades using water colour paint. A black silhouette of a tree was painted and metallic paper squares glued on. Finally, white and silver posca pens were used to add swirls of snow. we love them, hope you do too. Brrrr!

Year 3 Christmas Card Designs

Autumn Term 2023

Year 4 Summer Term 2023 - Roman Mosaics

Linking in with RE and Spirited Arts theme 'All God's Creatures', the children created their own animal mosaics.

The Greatest Show Musical

Y3/4 were brilliant in their recent performance of The Greatest Show. the singing and dancing were mesmerising - watch out Broadway!

Y2 painting inspired by Lucy Pittaway

Year 4 - The Holy Trinity Artwork

The children were asked to create a piece of artwork to represent the Holy Trinity, showing what they had learned about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.


After School Art Club

Our wonderful boys and girls develop their talents and skills at our club. Here is some of their work-  wow!

Recently, all year groups entered the Hero's Stamp Competition.  Below are a few examples. 

Y5 - Local Landscapes based on the work of David Hockney