Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544

Welcome to Year 6

         Welcome to Year 6! Our class teacher is Mr Taylor and our teaching assistant is Mrs Kinder. Mrs Taylor, school's English lead, teaches English Mondays through to Thursdays. 

    The children settled in well to Year 6 and have taken on lots of extra responsibilities now that they are the oldest pupils in school. 

     Now that we are in Year 6, you will notice that we wear a Linthwaite Ardron hoodie, a fabulous gift from our PTFA.



Long Term Plan SATs Information and Help Autumn Term Letter Letters Home Learning


Useful links:

Purple Mash Power Maths Times Table Rock Stars Oddizzi Website Review Charanga - Primary music curriculum, Secondary & Instrumental music EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed



Take a look at some of the activities we have been doing in our lessons:

Transition Day

Our first day as year 6 happened at the end of year 5. We took part in lots of fun outdoor activities as an introduction to our new class. We worked in teams to solve puzzles and challenges together.

CPR Training 

We had a visit from Toni who works at Kirklees Street Scene. She came to teach the class some basics of CPR and fisrt aid. She brought lots of dummies to practise on. The children had a good time but also learned some potentially life-saving information. Trying to complete chest compressions for over a minute was certainly a workout.






In our topic on The Industrial Revolution, we have looked at the different factors that were vital in its creation which include: power, transport, factories, population, empire and agriculture. We created some freezeframes to demonstrate each one. Can you guess which each one is?





We have started our new topic by learning the different scientific symbols that appear in a series circuit. We have also had an opportunity to explore with the resources to create some simple circuits and draw appropriate diagrams.



Year Six’s class reader this half term is the Phillip Pullman book ’Clockwork’, which contains suspense, history, drama and excitement  which  kept them all on the edge of their seats to see how the story unfolded.

They wrote extracts of their own based on a dramatic section of the book, using a wide range of figurative language including alliteration, personification, metaphor, hyperbole and onomatopoeia. Have a look at some examples below,  and watch our pupils read their independent writing out aloud.